Saturday, June 11, 2011

Living in a Glass House

Do you live in a container? If so what does it look like? Is it concrete? Green? Surrounded by a fence? Are there laws and rules-so many you can't think straight? Are there Coke bottles and trash littering the ground? Are there miles and miles of lush meadow? A forest of trees? Birds flying around and beetles scurrying on the ground? Can you breathe wild air? Sneeze when pollen floats into your nose? Can you twirl around in circles dancing to beats in your head and the rhythm of the chirping Cicadas? Can you taste the berries wild from the bush? Is all your food wrapped up in a plastic package? Can you follow your intuition? Are you allowed to even feel what your heart is telling you? Are people awake or walking asleep? Is there moss growing on the rocks where the waterfalls flow? Are there bright colors painting the walls of your container? Is there dirt under your toes? Can you roll around and feel the dew drops on your flesh? Can you feel your heart beat calmly? Can you stretch your arms to the sky and hit no barrier but more and more and more and more freedom? Is your creativity nurtured? Is your love received and given with no limitations? Do you sing from the deepest part of you soul so loud you make the animals in the forest turn their heads to listen? Do you strip your clothes off embracing your naked, beautiful body~embodying your essence? Is your spirit free to float outside of your container or is your soul contained? Do you live in a container at all?
Lately, I have been going through personal revelations of discovery. I suppose this is happening all the time but most recently I have been diving deeper into the meaning of life's purpose. And what the hell does that mean? I feel that the more connected we become to the Earth, the more we open our hearts and we feel EVERYTHING~and I mean everything. The more we relax and soak up the sun rays, the more we share ourselves, the more we play the guitar or the didgeridoo, the more we dream, the more we sing, the more we stretch, the more we cry, the more our muscles ache after a long hard day working in the yard, the more we enjoy nature's bounty and paint what we see on a canvas, the more we are authentic and stand in our TRUTH, the more we LOVE, the more we tell stories around a campfire, the more we drink wine and feel all inhibitions float away, the more we enjoy every bite of food we eat that nourishes us with life, the more we befriend and become inspired by all who cross our path, the more we are free the less clutter we have in our lives, the more we let our pheromones float to our lovers beyond the more intimacy we welcome into our life, the more barriers we overcome the more newness we let in, the less rules we have the more we express . The more we do all these things, the more we are truly living. We are not meant to live in containers. We are meant to live freely roaming the land. We are meant to know ourselves and we know how to survive on our own as long as we let our deep imbedded instincts guide us. There is a lesson hidden in every leaf and rock~Our teachers are all around us. They are our elders, our mates, our children, the animal kingdom, the trees, the ocean, the sunsets, the spider webs, the beehives, the flowers.
Really, life is about creating life. We are here to create~Authentically!
Keep on creating!
Earth Mama