Sunday, August 7, 2011


Sometimes...sometimes there are many distractions. Sometimes there are moments where I take a breath I close my eyes and I feel how lucky and blessed I am. Today was one of those particular moments of feeling very blessed and full to the brim with happiness. Today I woke up, put on a flowy peach dress, descended down the stairs and strolled through the open door to the beautiful space outside absorbing all its colors, smells, warmth, light, and love. I had no agenda, no sense of time, just a flowing day free to take me wherever it's enchanted spirit decided to. I am very lucky that I have found a nurturing space to call home, that I share with 6 other unique, beautiful friends. Since the idea of this community space was born there has been many stories told and many more to unfold. Many have moved out and on to their life's calling, and new vibrant energy has come in making and sustaining the vision of what Roothaven is all about.
I am really loving my to do lists as of late. Today it went something like this:
-Pick lavender to make bundles to smudge with
-Pick wild fennel to tie in a bunch to hang above my doorway for strength, adversity, and fertility
-Lay in the grass and absorb the sun
-Explore the land
I feel that creating ceremony in our lives is very essential to a fulfilling life. Ceremony, ritual, whatever you may call it~it is necessary. This does not mean you have to paint yourself in a sacrificed animals blood or dance naked under the stars while chanting to Mama Moon (although both I am not opposed to doing if I am so called to do), but rather create something that is special to you, perhaps just you or perhaps it is something to share with loved ones. I suggest having both. My morning ritual or ceremony is to wander out barefoot to the chicken coop, greet the chicks with some breakfast, water, and massages, gather their eggs and thank them gratefully for the beautiful gifts they provide us with. I then make sure the bird bath is full of water and I stroll around the land observing the new growth, the life that has passed on, the smell of the dry pine needles, I feel the heat of the sun and the sweat drip down my back, the Earth underneath my bare feet. I make a lemon, honey, sea salt lemonade tonic and sip on it to refresh my core. I hula hoop with my beloved home-mates, conversing about the beauty we share and our plans to contribute to the world we live in and the Earth we live with.  I make some dinner and feed the chicks before it's dark. I then close up the coop kissing them all goodnight and wishing them sweet dreams. I may climb the roof at sunset and honor the sleeping sun and the subtle glow of mama moon with a yoga practice or simply just let my entire body relax and feel the evening breeze creep across my skin. This home has and is allowing me to create a beautiful, sustainable, real relationship with myself. I feel more beautiful then ever before~the beauty that resides within is shining bright~
The time I have had to spend with myself in this space has been essential and important to my growth. The relationships that have formed, nurtured and stood strong within these walls will forever be in our hearts. I am feeling the pull to get back out in the world. To leave my nest and fly...I was even driving behind someone the other day in midst of discussing traveling plans and their license plate said 'GOFLY'. If this wasn't a sign than I don't know what is! Truth is that there are some really inspirational people that float into my life, deliver a message and leave...every time they leave I may be sad or heart broken but they have all inspired me into the next chapter of my life and I thank them gratefully for that~for there is something to learn from everyone we meet. Now, I will put my energy into volunteering my time and to travel, immersing myself in other cultures~learning and sharing. My hearts desire is to fly, so fly I must. However, I do believe in the importance of rooting oneself and really listening to our heart's calling rather than fleeing from fear. Grow roots and then spread those wings! I'm listening and actively taking initiative of changes that will get me following the yellow brick road I see beckoning~

Let the blossoming love and sustained coupling of our coexistence continue and our love flow through each other freely, strongly, and truthfully. Always and forever~

Love unconditionally~
Earth Mama

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